Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Let's Look At Obama

Gary Boggess10:47AMMay 20th 2008

I have been searching the web for insight concerning the next
presidential election. In my searching and reading... it was EASY to
figure out why I didn't want Hillary in the White House because I was
able to examine REAL substance concerning her current views and
positions, and weigh the evidence of "what she said" with "what she
actually did" in her past political performance. Without going into
detail, I was able to discern WHAT she stands for, and form my
responses to it. I was also satisfied to follow the same process with
McCain. BOTH have a past I can examine. BOTH (on most issues), are
fairly clear about who they are and what they'd do IF elected. As a
result... I have declared myself a political orphan this election. I
have concluded that THIS election is a sham of unprecedented
dimensions. Here we are in the midst of the worst problems we've ever
faced, and we've got THREE JOKERS running for president.

So... what's left? Obama. Well I've been watching Obama. And although I
think he's a very good oratator, speaker, presenter and he LOOKS like
someone who has it together, I am stumped to explain to myself HOW this
man could sit in a clearly racist church for 20 years. I mean... here's
a guy who is offering us CHANGE. He's also offering LEADERSHIP... and
he claims that he's qualified to make critical decisions for the
country. But after hearing Rev. Wright's hate- teach, Obama just sat
there for TWENTY YEARS! It doesn't take a wrecking ball for me to see;
that if Obama couldn't pick his ass up and leave that church 19 1/2
years ago, that he is no leader. He didn't CHANGE his church
affiliations. He didn't CHANGE his racist political associations. He
didn't CHANGE his support for men who OBVIOUSLY supported and even
awarded Louis Farakhan, an anti-semite, anti-white racist "Man of the
Year" 2007! And Obama didn't CHANGE ANYTHING until the media & public
opinion FORCED him to. And I'm sorry... but that nice little "B&W
racial" speech he gave in Philadelphia just didn't FIX IT for me. WORDS
mean things... and if they do... DEEDS precede and follow. As far as
I'm concerned, Obama is 19 1/2 years too late.

So... as a result... I have been looking for reasons WHY people believe
in this man who obviously doesn't BELIEVE HIS OWN SPEAK!!! Because if
he did, the above two paragraphs wouldn't need written.

I have been looking for substance concerning Obama's claims for CHANGE.
And I can't come up with substantive comparable's to Hitlary or McLame.
Obama offers us a collection of empty political rhetoric tantamount to
political vapor-ware! No Substance. No history to support it. Nothing
but ambiguous WORDS. I'm sorry... being a good speaker isn't a
qualification for being a leader, much less a President!

I searched the web, and I "GET IT" that Obama is offering CHANGE. BUT
WHAT CHANGE? Obama has yet to define it. I can't define it. Nobody can.
Promises are one thing. HOW is another. I emailed a few of my black
friends in Ohio... and they told me they're as lost as I am concerning
Obama. WHAT CHANGE are we looking for and if things CAN BE CHANGED,
does it matter HOW anyone DOES IT??

GERMANY got "CHANGE" once... and it wasn't a good change. I see that
Obama proposed a house bill proposing that the American people commit
to paying over $850-billion in handouts to "a world poverty tax." Are
we going to do that while we're chasing our own families out of their
homes due to foreclosure because there's no jobs left here? Talk about
NAFTA taking jobs away and allowing corporate fascism to control our
government, and leaving Americans with no jobs and a run away
inflationary economy headed into depression!!! READ THIS!>>

refers to these changes... HOW does he justify doing it? You might be
tired of the same old Washington CRAP. I sure am. I'm for change BIG
TIME! But WHAT change are we talking about!!???
Gary Boggess10:47AMMay 20th 2008

I have been searching the web for insight concerning the next
presidential election.
Obama. Well I've been watching Obama. And although I think he's a very
good oratator, speaker, presenter and he LOOKS like someone who has it
together, I am stumped to explain to myself HOW this man could sit in a
clearly racist church for 20 years. I mean... here's a guy who is
offering us CHANGE. He's also offering LEADERSHIP... and he claims that
he's qualified to make critical decisions for the country. But after
hearing Rev. Wright's hate- teach, Obama just sat there for TWENTY
YEARS! It doesn't take a wrecking ball for me to see; that if Obama
couldn't pick his ass up and leave that church 19 1/2 years ago, that
he is no leader. He didn't CHANGE his church affiliations. He didn't
CHANGE his racist political associations. He didn't CHANGE his support
for men who OBVIOUSLY supported and even awarded Louis Farakhan, an
anti-semite, anti-white racist "Man of the Year" 2007! And Obama didn't
CHANGE ANYTHING until the media & public opinion FORCED him to. And I'm
sorry... but that nice little "B&W racial" speech he gave in
Philadelphia just didn't FIX IT for me. WORDS mean things... and if
they do... DEEDS precede and follow. As far as I'm concerned, Obama is
19 1/2 years too late.

So... as a result... I have been looking for reasons WHY people believe
in this man who obviously doesn't BELIEVE HIS OWN SPEAK!!! Because if
he did, the above two paragraphs wouldn't need written.

I have been looking for substance concerning Obama's claims for CHANGE.
And I can't come up with substantive comparable's to Hitlary or McLame.
Obama offers us a collection of empty political rhetoric tantamount to
political vapor-ware! No Substance. No history to support it. Nothing
but ambiguous WORDS. I'm sorry... being a good speaker isn't a
qualification for being a leader, much less a President!

I searched the web, and I "GET IT" that Obama is offering CHANGE. BUT
WHAT CHANGE? Obama has yet to define it. I can't define it. Nobody can.
Promises are one thing. HOW is another. I emailed a few of my black
friends in Ohio... and they told me they're as lost as I am concerning
Obama. WHAT CHANGE are we looking for and if things CAN BE CHANGED,
does it matter HOW anyone DOES IT??

GERMANY got "CHANGE" once... and it wasn't a good change. I see that
Obama proposed a house bill proposing that the American people commit
to paying over $850-billion in handouts to "a world poverty tax." Are
we going to do that while we're chasing our own families out of their
homes due to foreclosure because there's no jobs left here? Talk about
NAFTA taking jobs away and allowing corporate fascism to control our
government, and leaving Americans with no jobs and a run away
inflationary economy headed into depression!!! READ THIS!>>

refers to these changes... HOW does he justify doing it? You might be
tired of the same old Washington CRAP. I sure am. I'm for change BIG
TIME! But WHAT change are we talking about!!???