Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Is Barack Hussein Obama Testing the John Kerry Waters?
Is Obama Testing the John Kerry Waters?
We all know how John Kerry is like a buzzard always on the prowl for some fresh source of media coverage for him. I'm sure you remember when he was running for president and he was there at the finish line when Lance Armstong crossed the finish line, he was there smiling as Lindsay Lohan praced down the red carpet because at the time she was the "it" actress. Anytime he could get in the press, he took the opportunity.
Now once again he is circling his fresh prey. He backed Obama and now he is running around campaigning for Obama. I'm starting to think that the Obama people are testing the waters. They know Kerry was caught in many lies while campaigning, including the fraudulent documents his team submitted to Dan Rather that ultimately cost him his career.
But we are like sheep and we are guided by the media and are great at over looking a persons past if it suits us and the media allows us to.
I do think that if people give support to Kerry because they have over looked his past lies, then Obama might chose to chose him on his ticket.
He knows he already has the African American voters, but Kerry could bring him the resisting white voters. So if Obama gets the nom, don't be surprised if you see Kerry flip flipping and windsurfing his way to the Vice Presidency.